Chances are that you’ve got one, if not multiple, Visa credit cards in your wallet. While you don’t think of them much aside from their daily benefits, by virtue of you having those Visa cards, you could be taking advantage of a myriad of features that you might not have known even existed.
From free memberships to discount golf tee times, free wine and continued education, the things that your Visa card can do might surprise you. We’ll help you find some of the best hidden perks your Visa card can offer.
Visa issues its credit card products in three tiers, Traditional, Signature and Infinite and their benefits get better with each in that order. With Visa Signature cards, you can expect middle-of-the-road standard benefits like no liability for fraudulent charges, travel and emergency assistance, rental car privileges and a concierge, with some banks issuing additional benefits like travel accident insurance.
Visa Infinite cards, being Visa’s top tier product, come with standard benefits including most of what Signature cards include, but add premium benefits ranging from trip cancellation or interruption insurance, a Global Entry statement credit, and auto rental collision damage waiver, and, generally, they excel in the travel protections and perks department. Unlike its Mastercard counterpart, where it’s possible to find even top-tier World Elite cards with no annual fee, Visa Infinite cards will have high annual fees to match the top-tier perks. However, many Visa Signature cards are available with annual fees under $100 and even a few offer a no-annual-fee version. Your card should list if it’s Signature or Infinite on the card itself under the Visa logo, but for specific terms refer to your card’s guide to benefits.